Net-Zero, Green & LEED Design

Super-Insulated, Galvalume Acrylic Coated Thermal Panels
SIPLOCK high-energy efficient design is indistinguishable from conventional structures.
Steel I-Beam framing system and high-thermal mass 26 Gauge Steel clad EPS SIP.
Look closer, unlike other building systems. SIPLOCK is perfectly square, level, flat and true. All loads go to steel columns and concrete piers. Walls and roofs accept any siding, roofing and trim materials.
SIPLOCK Net-Zero shell design optimizes energy savings and comfort.
Oak Ridge National Labs recently stated that 40% of heat loss is due to air leakage.
- The wall system panels are 9” thick for a super insulated R38.
- The roof system panels are 11” thick for a super insulated R46.
- Unmatched air- tight SIP construction and weatherization.
- No SIP off-gassing hazard.
- IR energy reflective steel skin SIP. Very low thermal and solar gain.
- Very low heat loss and heat gain.
SIPLOCK “Is simply Better ”
Net-Zero & Green Energy Star Design

Net-Zero Design optimizes the use of energy saving mechanicals
- Geothermal HVAC.
- HVAC Heat pump.
- ERV and HRV air circulators.
- Photo Voltaic (PV) power source.
- Solar power.
- Wind power.
- Co-generation power.
SIPLOCK “Is simply Better ”
Multi-Story Steel Frame Building System

- SIPLOCK steel I-Beam framing and SIPLOCK panels are pre-cut to fit together.
- SIPLOCK 26 Gauge Steel clad 9” wall and 11” roof, High Thermal Mass SIP.
- SIPLOCK shell is not affected by weather during construction. It is dry inside the moment the last wall and roof panel is placed. No damage to an interior as with other construction methods and materials.
- SIPLOCK multi-story shell can be put up in days, not weeks or months.
- SIPLOCK EPS panels flash one another with a tongue and groove design.
- SIPLOCK EPS panels shed water as construction progresses to completion.
- SIPLOCK closed envelope design eliminates the need for roof and soffit vents. No vents to compromise the roof structure during severe hurricane strength winds!
- Exterior siding, roofing, trim and finishes attach to the SIPLOCK steel panel skin. No vapor wrap required.
- Interior wiring is run before the wallboard is fastened to the steel hat channel.
- SIPLOCK materials are unlikely to suffer damage or loss at a job site.
- No job site waste requiring large waste containers.
- SIPLOCK dried-in balloon framing design permits interior walls and floors to be installed before finished roofing and siding is completed.
- Roofing & siding and interior trades can work simultaneously on the SIPLOCK shell.
- Save construction time. No gridlock between interior and exterior trades.
SIPLOCK “Is simply Better ”
Hurricane, Tornado, Earthquake
Fire, Flood, Termite, Vermin & Mold Resistant

Multi-Story Steel buildings built to Dade County Wind design up to 175 MPH.
SIPLOCK Steel I-Beam wall & roof assembly system will exceed CAT 5 winds.
- SIPLOCK Steel I-Beam column assembly is connected to concrete piers.
- SIPLOCK Steel I-Beam floor joists.
- SIPLOCK EPS panels are clad with 26-gauge steel facing.
- Highly fire resistant, Ref. ISO 13784 for EPS/SIP fire tests.
- SIPLOCK EPS panels are resistant to mold growth, swelling, decay and termites.
- Considerably higher resale value vs. CBS, concrete or wood frame construction.
- Structural building engineers specify steel I-Beam framed construction for unmatched strength, durability and integrity.
SIPLOCK “Is simply Better ”
Lower HVAC Energy costs by up to 75%

SIPLOCK closed envelope High efficiency homes. All interior space is conditioned.
SIPLOCK design permits the use of a Multi-Zone Ductless HVAC Heat Pump. Each zone has its own programmable thermostat. Cooling and heating costs will be as much as 75% lower than with conventional duct systems.
- SIPLOCK super-insulated design means extreme R and energy savings.
- Low energy load design HVAC. Lower energy costs.
- Ductless HVAC. Reduce installation costs.
SIPLOCK will lower HVAC energy and maintenance costs.
SIPLOCK “Is simply Better ”
Breathe Healthy

SIPLOCK construction improves the operation and efficiency of automated ventilation systems to exchange, dehumidify and filter air. ERV/HRV systems save energy, mitigate odors, filter airborne allergens, pollutants and contaminants.
According to the EPA, indoor air quality is typically 5 times worse than outdoor air.
- No HVAC ducts to spread indoor air pollution.
- Ducts are a breeding ground for mold, mildew and insects.
- Ducts circulate fumes from organic chemicals released from carpets and furniture.
- Ducts circulate fumes from household cleaners, paints, cooking and smoking.
- Ducts circulate pet dander and dust.
- No high humidity, to contribute to asthma and allergy suffering.
Customers want clean, healthy and odor free homes!
SIPLOCK “Is simply Better ”
Solid, Quiet and Comfortable
SIPLOCK exterior wall panels are 9” Thick. Outside noise is virtually eliminated.
Ceilings and floors are separate and independent of each other. Eliminate or significantly lower inside noise by occupants and home entertainment systems.
SIPLOCK design has no need for HVAC Ducts. No ducts to transmit extraneous noise.

Homebuyers want a noise free and comfortable home!
Clear Span Steel Design
Place walls, windows and doors anywhere. Offer 12-16 ft ceiling heights.
- SIPLOCK design offers no obstruction-vaulted ceilings, lofts and attics.
- Custom buyers can be more involved and satisfied knowing changes to interior wall and window placement is without expensive re-engineering and delays.
- Bonus Space can be created where attics would normally be.
- SIPLOCK design steel columns adjust to any lot slope.
- SIPLOCK design columns. No expensive stem wall construction.
- If crawl spaces are desired. SIPLOCK panels are set on slab and sealed to create a semi-conditioned crawl area. The home is drier, rodent resistant and more comfortable than with exposed and un-insulated crawl spaces.
- All loads go to steel columns and concrete piers.
- No interior bearing wall design issues.
- Design Great rooms with unobstructed views and larger windows.
- Great rooms with 12-16 ft. high ceilings and oversize windows.
- Vaulted-ceilings with no visible obstructions.
SIPLOCK “Is simply Better ”

Buyers want spacious and open design rooms!
SIPLOCK “Is simply Better ”